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Why therapists need therapy

Why therapists need therapy

Being a therapist is one of the most rewarding jobs but also one of the most difficult. Between your personal problems and your clients’ problems, things can get overwhelming. However, given your job’s ethical requirements, most people expect you to be your own therapist. This is not true, and here are our top reasons why therapists need therapy.

How negativity can ruin your day

How negativity can ruin your day

A quick look at the newspapers and any news channel these days can change our cognitive outlook within seconds. Our minds are wonderful things, but if we don’t pay attention we can allow them to be influenced in ways that don’t serve our higher interests. The negativity of world events has proven to be a pitfall for many in recent times. Although depression and low mood can purely be a neurotransmitter-based illness, negative events have been known to trigger this deficiency in our brains. Insightful psychological insight and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can be a powerful tool in this situation.

6 tips on how to maintain a positive mindset

6 tips on how to maintain a positive mindset

The power of positive thinking is a statement we have heard over and over again. How we choose to look at life or a problem has an influence over our mental and physical health. We all know that stress can cause depression, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, and other diseases, so how do you keep a positive mental attitude even in the midst of a problem?

5 character traits you can learn from successful people

5 character traits you can learn from successful people

We all want to be successful in our chosen careers. However, to be successful, you will need more than luck. You have to learn your craft, apply your knowledge, and be willing to stick with it even in the face of adversity. From the stories we hear, successful people owe their achievements to these five character traits.

What is the Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction

It’s easy to brush off someone telling you to “lighten up” or “look on the bright side”, but there is real science behind the benefits being a positive thinker who sees the cup half full. A landmark study by Barbara L Fredickson suggests that positive thinkers are more likely to broaden their skills set and appreciate the bigger picture. For example, a pessimist will tend to focus on the immediate threat of the negative situation rather than take a step back to problem solve and learn a new approach. In turn, a positive outlook can lead to experience less stress and less of the negative physical health impacts associated with stress.

4 marketing strategies to grow your coaching business

4 marketing strategies to grow your coaching business

After setting up your coaching business, it is time to advertise your services and start growing your clientele. With digital marketing, you can reach thousands of people with just a click of a button. Here are a few marketing strategies to grow your coaching business.

Restoring mental health in a post-COVID world

Restoring mental health in a post-COVID world

Coronavirus is a worldwide crisis that has hit everyone hard through loss, lockdown, and financial hardships. A large percentage of people have reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted by covid. As we move into a post-pandemic world, clients need their therapists and life coaches more than ever.

How video marketing can help you grow your therapy practice

How video marketing can help you grow your therapy practice

The modern world of marketing can be challenging for anyone looking to start a therapy practice. However, if you’re undecided on how to even start promoting your services, definitely consider using video as your starting point. There are a number of perks to this approach…

Personal development, personal and career growth, success, progress, motivation and potential concepts. Coach (human resources officer, supervisor) helps employee with his growth.

Why personal development is vital for entrepreneurs

A successful business can fail if the owners have not invested in themselves. Entrepreneurs need to invest in themselves to tackle emerging challenges in the business world. Therefore, enrolling yourself in a personal development course is an excellent place to start. This will make a massive difference in how you approach customers, suppliers, and employees.

Creating a great therapy practice: Tips for the best decor

Creating a great therapy practice: Tips for the best decor

A good therapy practice is a place where clients can feel safe to open up about their mental health, relationship struggles and anything that may be festering in their mind. Having the correct qualifications, positive attitude and tools are great but it takes the correct interior for a therapy practice to feel safe and comforting.

How to retain more clients in your therapy business

How to retain more clients in your therapy business

One of the toughest things about running a therapy practice isn’t gaining clients, it’s retaining them. Counselling can be uncomfortable. It’s understandable that many patients simply find it to be too much and choose to end their sessions.

3 traits that every CBT coach should focus on

3 traits that every CBT coach should focus on

We all know that training to become a renowned positive mindset coach requires developing certain knowledge and skills. Of course, there are many ways to gain certification to become a successful CBT coach and start a business. However, the truth about being a dedicated CBT therapist is that the work you do is an ongoing personal journey.

SMART ( specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time-bound) goal setting concept - a napkin doodle on a grunge wooden table with a cup of coffee

How to set goals properly

If you are struggling to stay motivated on tasks, goal setting is a really useful tool. Here are some useful tips for goal setting and how to use it to achieve.

How to deal with your own mental health as a therapist

How to deal with your own mental health as a therapist

Just because they treat people with them, therapists are not immune to mental health struggles. In fact, helping others through their own struggles can be mentally taxing. If you are a therapist and are concerned about your own mental health, here are some tips.

COVID-19, PTSD and the role of therapy

COVID-19, PTSD and the role of therapy

Sadly, there’s likely to be a lot more work for private therapists post-pandemic, especially if you offer PTSD support to NHS staff and other key workers suffering from the after-effects of dealing with the worst phases of COVID-19.

Website tips for busy therapists

Website tips for busy therapists

If you’re busy, but still want to attract new customers, you might want to think about expanding and improving your website. Chances are, you already have a website that details your services, but how can you use it to attract more customers? We’ll go into some details in this post!

How to implement a positive mindset in 2021

How to implement a positive mindset in 2021

After the year 2020, we’re sure everyone can agree that some positivity is needed. A positive mindset means you will have a positive outlook and expectation of success within your life. The mindset you have will determine your feelings. Also, to ensure your clients have a positive mindset, you need to have one as well.

How to help others by helping yourself

How to help others by helping yourself

The past year has certainly taken its toll, with the COVID-19 pandemic changing life as we know it in almost every aspect. One of the biggest things we’ve had to go through is three national lockdowns, where we’ve been forced to stay in our homes and only mix with those we already live with.

How to use social media to attract new clients

How to use social media to attract new clients

Starting off a business as a CBT practitioner has its challenges and attracting clients when you are just starting out can be tricky. At the beginning, you won’t have had the opportunity to bring in clients through word-of-mouth and you will have to use your own marketing skills to promote your services.

How to set and achieve your goals in 2021

How to set and achieve your goals in 2021

The new year is finally here, and many of us will be taking stock of last year and setting new goals for 2021. However, goal setting is not just about writing down things you would like to accomplish; it’s more meaningful than that.

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