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3 tips for overcoming clients’ fears about therapy

3 tips for overcoming clients’ fears about therapy
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As a CBT therapist, sometimes it can seem like people can be reticent about seeking therapy. They may believe myths about therapy or have other reasons that are causing them to stay away from your therapy business.

So, what are some great ways to effectively overcome these barriers and attract new clients to your practice?

1. Offer free initial consultations

There is a myth that seeking therapy will break the bank, and clients can fear this and steer clear of therapy because of these cost-related worries. It might seem daunting to give away your time for free. Still, the lucrative bonus of offering a free introductory session is that you are likely to retain many clients who will continue to return to your practice as paying customers once they realise that the benefits outweigh the costs. Many people cannot resist a free offer, and when customers feel comfortable with you and realise that you can help them during this first session, you might find that a large proportion of them may sign up as long-term clients.

2. Be as flexible with your schedule as possible

When clients are seeking therapy, it’s imperative to provide as much ease and flexibility for them as possible because an intensive commitment might be off-putting. On your website, display a list of your services and qualifications so busy working people can easily and swiftly browse your site and make a decision to enlist you as their therapist. Why not enable an online bookings service and inform clients about whether you also facilitate online and telephone consultations? If you can work evenings or weekends, make this clear as it will give you an advantage with working people who cannot attend weekday sessions.

3.Build their trust from the start

Wariness about the lack of efficacy of therapy is not uncommon, but if you establish a rapport from the beginning, it can really make your therapeutic relationship flourish in the long term. Prominently display a smiling photograph of yourself on your website and social media accounts and be candid about your qualifications and experience, instilling them with the trust that you can help them on their journey to improved mental health.

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