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The history of NLP

The history of NLP
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NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and is a branch of psychology. The science looks at how the brain, language and our behaviours are all connected. It is used by practitioners to help people achieve their goals and personal development, using several key tactics. To learn more about the history of NLP, continue reading.

Early development

In 1975, psychologists Josh Grinder and Richard Bandler found that there was a connection between linguistic and neurological processes. They discovered that behaviour patterns could be compared to computer programming, as both are learnt through experience. In the 1970s, computer science was rapidly changing which made it an interesting psychological comparison point. This analogy was used by the psychologists to help explain problem behaviours.

Grinder and Bandler found that most people could change these programmed patterns in order to change their behaviour and achieve goals. By taking an NLP training course, patients could refocus their efforts and take steps to change their behaviour. Plus, these courses took a lot less time than traditional programs. These influential treatments quickly began to spread and NLP became more and more accepted. This led to more research being conducted into other conditions that NLP could treat.

New progress

New research has mirrored what NLP psychologists found years ago. Artificial intelligence researchers have suggested that the human mind can directly interface with mechanical simulations, which reveals more about personalities. In this research, subjects were asked questions generated by the meta-model method, which help them to identify the state they would like to achieve. Over time, these questions enabled practitioners to set achievable goals for their clients.

By the start of the 1990s, many of the techniques that NLP psychologists were researching started to make their way into new forms of therapy. However, research into NLP still continues today, as psychologists have found that many of NLP’s suppositions seem to get results.

If you are looking to become an NLP practitioner, or need help in setting up your practice, then the iGNLP can help. Get in touch for more information.

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