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Creating a great therapy practice: Tips for the best decor

Creating a great therapy practice: Tips for the best decor
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A good therapy practice is a place where clients can feel safe to open up about their mental health, relationship struggles and anything that may be festering in their mind. Having the correct qualifications, positive attitude and tools are great but it takes the correct interior for a therapy practice to feel safe and comforting for clients. Creating that perfect space takes time and many alterations. If you’re looking for a place to start, here are some tips for the best therapy practice decor.

Think about colour psychology

Colour psychology is the idea that colours can evoke emotions, and even sometimes behaviours, in people when they look at them. Good therapy practices will want clients to feel peaceful and safe so you should try to implement colours that evoke these emotions. Colours such as red, orange or black may not be the best idea as they tend to evoke feelings of urgency, uncertainty or even fear. Instead, you should opt for baby blues, yellows or greens. These colours evoke a sense of calm and tranquility and will help to make clients feel at ease when they walk into your practice.

Indoor plants

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the simple presence of a plant can help people to feel calm and safe. Psychologists have said that this is because plants are a sign of life and resources. You could try bringing some houseplants into your therapy practice decor. Even just photos of plants could have a positive effect on the people who look at them. You can find a wide variety of houseplants that will suit all types of interior. Whether you want something small and low maintenance or a large statement plant, your practice will definitely seem more appealing if you introduce a bit of greenery.

Soft furnishings

In therapy, it is important that clients feel comfortable and able to relax. It is much easier to focus on thoughts when our minds are at rest! Soft furnishings such as pillows, rugs and even blankets may help your clients to feel at home when they enter your therapy practice. Feeling at home will encourage clients to let down any guard that they may have up and to open up to the therapy that you are delivering.

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